You Became Who You Spend Time With

If one wishes to build deep skills and explore abundant possibilities for life or business irrespective of any economic or existential crisis, then selfless crewing or assisting is the answer.
There is no limit to the number of incredible learning and experiences that you will get to be a part of an event crew. The number of hours that one put in each day for a continuous period of time during crewing for an event may be long and the work is tough, however who you eventually become by the end of it is extremely rewarding every time you decide to crew and it certainly prepares you for life.
Here are my top 3 business lessons I learned from crewing,
- Building people skills is critical to growth
- Great Psychology + Unlimited Energy = Success In Business
- Taking full responsibility and accountability for all happenings can be a game changer
Success is infectious; being in close company of transformers during crewing has the potential to change the trajectory of your business. The intention however, always has to be to give much beyond to your people and communities, as a consequence of which; the positive vibes elevates your success. Yes, that’s how nature or karma works.
The secret to living is giving. That’s Tony Robbins’ belief when it comes to giving back. In order for us to find our true purpose in life, and a deep sense of fulfillment, we have to look outside ourselves.
Never miss an opportunity to crew as it aligns purely with our ultimate existential purpose of becoming a better version of ourselves and leave this planet better than how we’ve found. It is well said that, things happen in life, when you’re hungry, mentors appear when the your ready.