25 Jun

Time Management Tips For Business Owners

time management
Effective time management is crucial for business owners who juggle numerous responsibilities daily. Balancing strategic planning, client meetings, employee management, and personal life can be challenging without proper time management skills. Here are some essential time management tips to
21 Apr

You Became Who You Spend Time With

You Became Who You Spend Time With
If one wishes to build deep skills and explore abundant possibilities for life or business irrespective of any economic or existential crisis, then selfless crewing or assisting is the answer. There is no limit to the number of incredible learning
20 Apr

Legends Are Not Born ,they Are Self Made

Legends Are Not Born they Are Self Made
Born into an agriculturist family, to owning the world’s largest film production facility, Ramoji Film City and further going all the way to being honored with the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian honor, for his contributions in journalism, literature and
19 Apr

Celestial Soul Of Business World

Celestial Soul Of Business World
Yes, indeed, I call him a “Celestial Soul of the Business world” Azim Premji Foundation, Wipro and Wipro Enterprises together have committed an aid of Rs 1125 crore for tackling the unprecedented health and humanitarian crisis arising from the COVID-19
08 Apr

Who You Become Comes Before What you Have

Who You Become Comes Before What you Have
FAST FORWARD TO JOY & ABUNDANCE IN BUSINESS – THE ONLY WAY Joy and Abundance in business are mere outcomes. To manifest them, one has to first become that person who can produce those outcomes. The only way to become
02 Apr

Shift Your Mind Set From Surviving To Scaling , Right Now

Shift Your Mind Set From Surviving To Scaling
During this lockdown, I find most successful entrepreneurs have their complete focus on scaling their business rather than spending time harping over survival. I find their efforts and advertisement budgets have doubly accelerated during this time than most normal times.